Literary festival dedicated to the memory of Robert Rozhdestvensky takes place in the poet’s homeland in the village of Kosikha, Altai Krai, every year. It is based on the Regional Rozhdestvensky Readings. Nowadays, Rozhdestvensky is still the main focus of the festival. The first readings were held in 2007. Since then, they have acquired the status of a regional literary festival with the prize that bears the poet’s name. It also includes an extensive program of literary, museum, and musical projects.
The brochure was prepared for the 7th Regional Readings dedicated to the memory of R. I. Rozhdestvensky, which took place in June 2013. The brochure includes information about its events. That year, the Plenum of the Union of Russian Writers and the All-Siberian Seminar of Young Writers were included in the program. The plenum was devoted to the problems of spiritual growth among the citizens of the country, the role of literature in forming the self-consciousness of the Russian people, and the preservation of traditional culture. The All-Siberian Seminar of Young Writers attracted over sixty writers from Altai and other regions. They took part in meetings and discussions about writing, poetry, and literary criticism. A few selected participants also received recommendations for admission to the Union of Russian Writers.
Tatiana Rozhdestvenskaya, wife of the poet’s younger brother, and participants of the plenum led by Valery Ganichev, chairman of the Union of Russian Writers, were official guests of the festival. They visited Rozhdestvensky’s native village of Kosikha, as well as the memorial library and museum of the poet. Then, at the Yar of Love (a picturesque place in a birch grove on the bank of Losikha River) a song festival called “Every soul has the Song” took place. Representatives of various cities, districts, and villages of Altai Krai attended the festival. Often, songs and poems of Robert Rozhdestvensky could be heard at the Yar of Love.
At the same time but in a different place in Kosikha, a poetry festival called “Prove your poems with your own life” was held. Participants and guests of the Regional Readings were greeted by Alexander Karlin, governor of the region, and Valery Ganichev, chairman of the Union of Russian Writers. The brochure describes a detailed account of these events.
The brochure was prepared for the 7th Regional Readings dedicated to the memory of R. I. Rozhdestvensky, which took place in June 2013. The brochure includes information about its events. That year, the Plenum of the Union of Russian Writers and the All-Siberian Seminar of Young Writers were included in the program. The plenum was devoted to the problems of spiritual growth among the citizens of the country, the role of literature in forming the self-consciousness of the Russian people, and the preservation of traditional culture. The All-Siberian Seminar of Young Writers attracted over sixty writers from Altai and other regions. They took part in meetings and discussions about writing, poetry, and literary criticism. A few selected participants also received recommendations for admission to the Union of Russian Writers.
Tatiana Rozhdestvenskaya, wife of the poet’s younger brother, and participants of the plenum led by Valery Ganichev, chairman of the Union of Russian Writers, were official guests of the festival. They visited Rozhdestvensky’s native village of Kosikha, as well as the memorial library and museum of the poet. Then, at the Yar of Love (a picturesque place in a birch grove on the bank of Losikha River) a song festival called “Every soul has the Song” took place. Representatives of various cities, districts, and villages of Altai Krai attended the festival. Often, songs and poems of Robert Rozhdestvensky could be heard at the Yar of Love.
At the same time but in a different place in Kosikha, a poetry festival called “Prove your poems with your own life” was held. Participants and guests of the Regional Readings were greeted by Alexander Karlin, governor of the region, and Valery Ganichev, chairman of the Union of Russian Writers. The brochure describes a detailed account of these events.