
Sheremetev Palace

The Sheremetev Palace (the Fountain House) became a branch of St. Petersburg State Museum of Theatre and Music in 1990.
The former estate of Counts Sheremetevs is a unique historical and cultural memorial and a specimen of estate-type building that is rare for St. Petersburg.
A plot of land along the Fontanka River was granted by Peter I to Field Marshal Count B. Sheremetev in 1712. The palace existing today was built in 1750. The architect of the building was S. Chevakinskiy. Such architects as F. Argunov, I. Starov, G. Quarenghi, A. Voronikhin, H. Meyer, D. Quadri, I. Corsini, N. Benois, A. Serebryakov, M. Krasovskiy and others took part in creating the interior of the palace and different buildings of the estate.

Until 1917 the Sheremetev Palace and the estate belonged to five generations of the eldest (palatine) branch of the Sheremetev family. The pages of the artistic history of the Fountain House were written in different years. The walls of the palace can recall the voice of a famous peasant-countess Praskovya Zhemchugova who was a prima donna of Sheremetev serf theatre. In 1827 Pushkin attended a workshop of O. Kiprenskiy who painted the poet’s portrait. In the White Hall, created by an architect G. Quarenghi in the beginning of Pushkin’s century, famous singers performed; Count Cappella (the first Russian choir performing compositions of G. Palestrina, A. Lotti, B. Marcello) gave concerts. Subsequently, artists of the Mariinsky Theatre, Great Russian Orchestra lead by V. Andreyev, symphonic orchestras performed here.
Блюдо-поднос, подаренное графу А. Д. Шереметеву. Мастер А. С. Корнюниенко. Не позднее 1885.
The carved dish has the author’s signature on the back: “The dish is cut by the self-taught peasant of your former settlement Alexeyevka, Alexey Semyonov Kornyunienko, an old man aged 60”. The carved dish has the author’s signature on the back: ‘The dish is cut by the self-taught peasant of your former settlement Alexeyevka, Alexey Semyonov Kornyunienko, an old man aged 60’.
The dish was made and presented in 1885 to Counts Sheremetevs ‘from grateful former… peasants in memory of… goodness’. 
The dish was made and presented in 1885 to Counts Sheremetevs ‘from grateful former… peasants in memory of… goodness’.

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After the 1917 revolution, the Palace was converted into the Museum of Everyday Life. Its holdings were based on Counts Sheremetevs’ art collection. In 1929 the museum was liquidated and the collection items were transferred to the museums, libraries and archives in Leningrad and Moscow.
Until 1989 the buildings of the estate were occupied by various institutions. The palace’s premises were rebuilt. The decision to transfer the building to the Museum of Theatre and Music, made at the Museum Council by the Committee of Culture of St. Petersburg, marked the beginning of restoration work relating to ceremonial and memorial interiors. It was decided to exhibit one of the world’s best collections of musical instruments into the halls of the palace. A musical history of the Fountain House contributed to creating museum image in future.

The Sheremetev Palace interiors became a precious frame for the music collection which was founded more than a hundred years ago by Baron K. Stackelberg, the head of Court Orchestra. Its first exhibits were imperial family’s musical instruments. In the 20th century the collection as a part of the state museum holdings, was replenished with the items received from museums, conservatory, private collections. In 1984 the collection became a part of holdings of the Museum of Theatre and Music again.
Now the collection includes instruments that belonged to Emperors Alexander I, Nicholas I, Alexander III, Nicholas II; Russian Horn Orchestra instruments; musical instruments of peoples in Russia, Europe and the East; personal instruments that belonged to M. Glinka, A. Dargomyzhskiy, A. Rubinstein, A. Glazunov and other famous musicians. The collection comprises more than three thousand exhibits.

Рояль М. Глинки в Этрусской гостиной Шереметевского дворца
Экспонаты музея-усадьбы ‘Останкино’ в Белой гостиной Шереметевского дворца
Currently you can see more than 1,500 musical instruments in the halls of the Sheremetev Palace.
The interiors of ceremonial halls of the Sheremetev Palace reflect the history of the noble family and its musical traditions. One can find here splendid works of painting art, sculpture, decorative and applied arts. The permanent exhibition of our museum was created due to the assistance of the State Hermitage Museum, State Russian Museum, State Tretyakov Gallery, the Ostankino Estate — the museums that hold the relics of the Fountain House. Along with the ‘home’ works of art, Museum holds the items from various private collections, which were purchased by the Museim of Theatre and Music or presented during the last quarter of 20th century. These are V. Strekalov-Obolenskiy’s private collection of paintings and decorative and applied arts (donated to the Museum by A. Sarayeva-Bondar’ in 1998); V. Golod’s collection (handed over for permanent storage to the Museum in 2000 according to its owner’s will); Monte Generoso Cross jewelry composition by famous Swiss jeweler Willie Inauen (handed over to the Museum in 2014).
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