Russian State Library

A Time to Gather… Prince Yusupov and his Library

Tue Sep 17 2019 00:00:00 GMT+0300 (Moscow Standard Time)Sun Jan 19 2020 00:00:00 GMT+0300 (Moscow Standard Time)
Russian State Library. Ivanovsky hall
A Time to Gather… Prince Yusupov and his Library
The project was put forward by the Arkhangelskoye Estate and Museum, where most of the books are currently stored, and the Russian State Library, where the oldest editions from the Yusupov collection were deposited shortly after the 1917 Revolution.

In the 18th — early 19th centuries, in the days of Nikolai Borisovich Yusupov, the library was the centrepiece of an estate and the place to store a variety of collectible items: art drawings, coins, glyptics, etc. The Enlightenment, with its deep belief in the power of reason and heightened interest in educational pursuits, turned the library into a sacred temple of knowledge that served as a clear proof of its owner’s sophistication. The Yusupov library is one of the most valuable book monuments of that epoch.

Therefore, the key concept of the project is “to connect the disconnected”, i.e., an attempt to use the exhibition to assemble the once complete book collection and to highlight its unique features.
Портрет князя Николая Борисовича Юсупова кисти Иоганна Баптиста Лампи Старшего. Последняя четверть XVIII века
The whereabouts of many of Yusupov’s books are currently unknown, however, similar publications can be found at the RSL. As per modern guidelines and principles, there are two possible ways of putting together a divided collection, i.e., digital means or an exhibition. ‘A Time to Gather… Prince Yusupov and his Library’ is the first step in this direction.

The display on the second floor represents the concept of ‘a collector reflected in his books’. There are several key personality traits that distinguish him from his peers; they are brought out using publications from the prince’s collection.

Yusupov, a connoisseur of fine arts, kept in touch with many famous artists and often helped to facilitate art purchases for the Royal family. In modern terms, the prince served as “a private art dealer” for Catherine II and Paul I.

In 1797, Paul I entrusted Yusupov with the Hermitage, which housed the royal art collection. Nikolai Borisovich, in fact, became the first director of this museum. During his tenure, a complete inventory of the Hermitage collections was carried out. The resulting inventory record was used until the middle of the 19th century.
From the prince’s collection.  Thory, Claude-Antoine (1757—1827). 
Les Roses / [ill.] par P.-J. Redouté, peintre de fleurs… / avec le texte par Cl.-Ant. Thory Т.1. — Paris: de l’imprimerie de Firmin-Didot, 1817.
Les Liliacées / ill. par P.-J. Redouté, peintre de fleurs… / avec le texte par Cl.-Ant. Thory — Т.1—8 — A Paris, chez l’auteur, au Palais National des Sciences et Arts, 1802—1816
Yusupov had a huge impact on the development of various areas of Russian culture. If there had been the ministry of culture, the prince would have been its head. He held the following posts: the director of Imperial theatres (1791—1796), the Imperial Porcelain & Glass Factory, and the Tapestry Manufactory (1792—1802); the president of the Collegium of Manufacturing (1796—1797). The prince was the founder of a number of art productions and contributed to the development of crafts.

In addition, Yusupov served as the head of the Kremlin Armory. He oversaw the restoration of Moscow and the Kremlin after the Patriotic War of 1812. The buildings blown up by the French during their retreat (the Kremlin wall and the Philaret annex) underwent reconstruction. The Neglinnaya River was channelled underground and the Alexander Garden was laid out on that site. The Alevizov ditch was filled in, thus changing the landscape of the Red Square. In addition, Yusupov served as the head of the Kremlin Armory. He oversaw the restoration of Moscow and the Kremlin after the Patriotic War of 1812. The buildings blown up by the French during their retreat (the Kremlin wall and the Philaret annex) underwent reconstruction. The Neglinnaya River was channelled underground and the Alexander Garden was laid out on that site. The Alevizov ditch was filled in, thus changing the landscape of the Red Square.

Crown of Empress Catherine I and sceptre of Vladimir Monomakh. From a seminal work by Alexei Fedorovich Malinovsky (1762—1840) with descriptions and pictures of items from the Armory Chamber collection.
Yusupov was a keen lover and an expert in European culture. He received an excellent education. He attended Leiden University, where he studied under the guidance of various prominent scientists of that time: F.V. Pestel (philosophy), J.N. Allaman (physics), and D. Runken (Greek). For many years, he was in correspondence with L. С. Valckenaer, a publisher and professor of Greek literature, and J.-B. Villuazon, an expert in Hellenic studies. Nikolai Borisovich was introduced to many European monarchs and kept in touch with the intellectual leaders of the epoch: Diderot, Voltaire, and Beaumarchais.

Yusupov was the only nobleman in Russian history to perform the role of Supreme Marshal during coronations of three Emperors: Paul I, Alexander I, and Nicholas I. For fifty years, Yusupov served the Crown, fostering the country’s growth and development.
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Ivanovsky hall
+7 (499) 557-04-70
Additional Information
Ivanovsky exhibition hall of the Russian State Library is a unique art space that hosts the largest and most interesting exhibitions of the Russian State Library. It wonderfully connects the past and future of the Library, recalling the era of the Rumyantsev Museum. Modern methods of museum exposition allow to demonstrate books, unique documents, visual materials most fully. Ivanovsky hall uses multimedia that can disclose objects difficult to display.
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