Tomsk Regional Art Museum

Tomsk Regional Art Museum

Permanent Exhibition
Tomsk Regional Art Museum
The Tomsk Regional Art Museum houses authentic canvases by Russian and foreign painters, bronze and porcelain sculptures, antique icons by masters from the icon painting schools of Athos, Mstyora and Siberia.

Western European art is represented by the works of Dutch artists of the 17th century: David Teniers II, Gerard van Donk, Isaac Jansz van Ostade, French portraitist Joseph-Désiré Court, as well as avant-garde artist Kazimir Zelenevsky, a native of Tomsk.

The exhibits demonstrate the development of Russian painting from the 18th century to the beginning of the 20th century. The exhibition presents artworks by portraitist Orest Kiprensky, Boris Kustodiev, Vasily Tropinin, avant-gardists Pyotr Konchalovsky, Aristarkh Lentulov, landscape painters Iosif Krachkovsky, Lev Kamenev, Grigory Gurkin.

Exhibits are marked with AR stickers for identification purposes.
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Tomsk Regional Art Museum
+7 (3822) 51-41-06
3, Nakhanovich Lane, Tomsk, Tomsk region, 634050
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Additional Information
Working hours: Tuesday — Sunday from 11:00 to 19:00, Monday is a day off.
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