The Kótlas Museum of Local Lore was founded in 1982. In its inventory there are now about 30,000 works, including interesting collections of photographs, metal, wood, coins, fabrics of the late-19th to early-20th centuries, fine modern decorative and applied arts, as well as an inventory of documentation on the history of Kótlas and the region.
The expositions of the museum reflect the history of the Kótlas region since ancient times, including: the settlement of the North; the development of navigation on the Northern Dvína; the construction of the Vyátka-to-Kótlas railway; the formation of an urban settlement; and the life of the city during its revolutionary years, repressions and wars. The history of the region’s settlement and the paleontological excavations near Kótlas are of the greatest interest to visitors.
The expositions of the museum reflect the history of the Kótlas region since ancient times, including: the settlement of the North; the development of navigation on the Northern Dvína; the construction of the Vyátka-to-Kótlas railway; the formation of an urban settlement; and the life of the city during its revolutionary years, repressions and wars. The history of the region’s settlement and the paleontological excavations near Kótlas are of the greatest interest to visitors.
Exhibits are marked with AR stickers for identification purposes.